For Institutions

Over the years, department chairs, deans, and presidents have reached out to me for confidential solutions to issues facing their campus.

Institutions are often under serious pressure to create effective, impactful outcomes for their students and other stakeholders and need support in crafting effective policies, nurturing an inclusive climate, creating strategic plans, and building effective curricula, among other concerns.

As your consultant, I provide specific, confidential solutions and support to position you to receive the outcomes you seek. -- Dr. Amin

Your Vision + My Strategy = Transformation and Impact

Class Visits, Workshops and other Speaking Engagements


Institutional Consulting


Class Visits, Workshops and other Speaking Engagements

Are you teaching my work and looking for an engaging class visit for your dance students? Does your campus have a speaker’s series and you are looking to feature a dynamic scholar of color who can speak to contemporary issues in dance studies and related disciplines?

Does your department or program faculty need facilitated dialogue on collegiality or support in developing inclusive courses? Would your graduate students benefit from workshops on classroom management, teaching preparation or other professional topics?

From engaging class visits, powerful presentations and high quality student and/or faculty development workshops, I will craft a custom solution just for you! 

Institutional Consulting

Are you looking to engage a consultant to work with your program, department or campus unit on an ongoing basis for a semester, full academic year or more? Do you require assistance with mission and vision development and strategic planning?

Are you in need of long term support around curricular reform or policy review? Need guidance with developing a positive departmental culture or moving toward more inclusive practices?

Through confidential, tailored solutions, I will guide your institution to the positive, impactful and effective outcomes you seek! 
